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Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Műszaki és Informatikai Kar

Graduation ceremony

The graduation ceremony of the international programmes of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pécs will take place on Friday, 9 February 2024 (9:00) at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (7624 Pécs, Boszorkány Str. 2,) A010, where students of the majors  Architectural Engineering BSc, Civil Engineering (BSc), Structural Engineering MSc, Computer Science Engineering BSc, Electrical Engineering BSc and Biomedical Engineering MSc  will receive their Degree Certificates.

Students who have successfully completed their final closing examinations will receive an information letter with details of the graduation ceremony after their final examinations. Participation in the event is subject to registration (registration will open on 2 February 2024), the link to which will be sent to graduates in the information letter. The ceremony will also be live-streamed this year. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aHi2P67Bs8


You have to wear a gown at the Graduation Ceremony and must pay a rental fee of HUF 5,500, which can only be paid through NEPTUN using the following steps.

•             Finances >

•             Payment >

•             Transcribe item >

•             Under payment titles, choose service >

•             For the term, choose 2023/2024-1 >

•             For service type, choose Participation fee at the graduation ceremony (5500.-Ft) >

•             Then click on Create the item and pay the fee.


Please also bring two hairpins to secure the cap.


The event will be attended by professional photographers. If the student agrees in the registration interface, a link to access the photos will be sent free of charge via Neptun within 7 working days after the ceremony. After the graduation ceremony, individual and group photos will be available.



Short programme outline:

- 1 hour before the start: arrival, collection of gowns

- 1 hour before the start: line-up by degree, entry, rehearsal for graduation

- the start of the ceremony:

o entry of the Chairs, anthem, opening

o Oath-taking

o Award of degree certificates

o Greeting of new graduates

o Valedictory speech by graduating students

o EU anthem

o Retirement of the Chairs

o Cap tossing of fresh graduates, photo session



I, ……….. (name), solemnly pledge | to use my knowledge and skills to serve the development of humanity. | While practising my profession | I will at all times take into account the consequences of my job on human health and safety and the impact of my job on the harmony of the surrounding environment. | I will strive by all means in my power | to perform my duties with honesty, integrity and fairness. | I will represent the interests of my employers, always observing the highest ethical standards. | I will develop my professional knowledge and skills to the best of my ability | and I will maintain alumni relations with my university.


Please pay special attention to the general hygiene rules in place.


We look forward to seeing you on Friday and congratulate you on your achievements.