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Imagineering Emotions through Sustainable Salutogenesis Workshop

Between 21st and 26th May, the Imagineering Emotions through Sustainable Salutogenesis Workshop  was held in Seville, Spain organized by the Texas Tech University.

Our team of architect students and instructors worked together with the students of KIIT University, India and gave architectural answers for physical, physiological, psychological, social, etc. questions in the frame of sustainability and salutogenic design.

The members of our team: Dr Gabriella Medvegy, Dr Gergely Sztranyák, Alexandra Pető, Diána Szabó, Lilla Gyüre, Patrícia Dékány.

The theme of Workshop:

It could be argued that the primary contribution of the designed environment is not form or function, but emotions evoked by sensory perceptions and affordances engineering by designers. From this perspective, the ambient environment bears a multidimensional, interactive relationship with its users – physical, physiological, psychological, social, et cetera. Salutogenic design is an approach that targets complete physical, physiological, psychological, and social wellbeing. Emerging concepts on sustainable solutions for environmental design are redefining the human-environment-ecosystem relationships. How could the power of sustainability and salutogenesis be harnessed to reengineer critical emotional experiences that result in enhanced outcomes for the society, in general, and individual humans, in particular? The workshop in Seville, Spain, will address this critical question in the context of one contemporary issue being faced across nations that is challenging both social stability and national economies – aging. 

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