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Műszaki és Informatikai Kar

Information for students and colleagues on the epidemiological situation related to the spread of the coronavirus

Dear Students and Colleagues!

During this pandemic of the coronavirus, the safety of our students and staff remains our top priority. The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (hereafter: Faculty) has asked the cleaning service to pay particular attention to ensuring hygienic conditions. For the latest news from the Faculty, please visit the Faculty website: https://english.mik.pte.hu/

For the coming period, please note the following:

General rules:

Only healthy persons - without symptoms of coronavirus - are allowed to visit the Faculty building. The building may only be visited for a specific purpose (e.g. teaching, research, work, administration, etc.) and only for the time necessary.

If a distance of 1.5 metres between people cannot be held, wearing a mask (medical mask, protective mask, mask made of textile or other material) covering the mouth and nose at all times is recommended in the Faculty premises in a closed space.

Maintaining a high standard of personal hygiene is compulsory for all persons visiting the Faculty. This includes regular handwashing with soap or disinfecting hands with alcohol-based disinfectant, observing cough etiquette, and avoiding any unnecessary touching of the face and hands.

Any breach of the above rules will result in individual liability. The person acting on behalf of the building operator may ask the person concerned to comply with the rules. If the person concerned fails to comply with the above rules when asked to do so, he/she must leave the Faculty premises. If compliance with the rules cannot be achieved in this way or if the person concerned repeatedly breaches the above rules, disciplinary proceedings may be taken against him/her.

To maintain a healthy environment, the leadership of the Faculty shall keep under constant review the rules in force concerning the hygiene and ventilation of the building.

Rules in the dormitories:

Only healthy persons without symptoms of coronavirus are allowed in the dormitories.

Rules on education:

Education will take place offline during the spring semester of the academic year 2021/2022.

The Faculty is responsible for the portfolio in its care:

Dr. Anita Dolgosné Kovács - environmental engineer, relevant specialized engineer

Dr. Mária Eördöghné Miklós - Mechanical Engineer, relevant specialized engineer, Technical higher level vocational training (FOKSZ)

Dr. Attila Fülöp, Dr. Judit Pál-Schreiner - civil engineer

Dr. Adél Heidecker, Dr. Donát Rétfalvi - architect, urban system engineer

Dr. Péter Iványi – computer science engineer

Dr. Éva Kovács - television broadcaster higher level vocational training (FOKSZ)

Dr. Zoltán Kvasznicza, Dr. Gergely Nyitray - electrical engineer

Julianna Török - technical language courses

Dr. Norbert Vasváry-Nádor - industrial design engineer

If you have any questions regarding the administration of your studies, please contact the Registrar’s Office at https://english.mik.pte.hu/registrars-office-1 We will try to deal with all individual problems as flexibly as possible.

The faculty leadership, professors and lecturers are available to answer any questions or concerns you may have and welcome your feedback: https://english.mik.pte.hu/en/organization-structure

You can find up-to-date information on university-wide measures to address the coronavirus here:


For the latest public health information on the new coronavirus, follow the information posted on the National Center for Public Health website:


We ask all our students and staff to take care of themselves and their surroundings during this time of emergency.

Dr. Gabriella Medvegy

dean of UP FEIT

8th of March 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

01.09.2021 | Students | The Latest Official Guidelines on Entry, Vaccination and Certificate of Protection
The latest official guidelines for the entry, vaccination and certificate of protection of international students are available.

They include detailed, illustrated information on the following topics:
 - rules of entering Hungary
 - documents allowing you to get vaccinated in Hungary
 - application for vaccination in Hungary
 - application for Certificates of Protection (Hungarian/ EU DCC)

 More information in this document: DOCUMENT

12.05. 2021 | Student and Employees | Decisions of the UP Operative Crew

UP Operative Crew Resolution 3/2021 (12 May) (adopted at its online meeting)

The UP Operative Crew adopts the minimal requirements of protective measures for in-class teaching, knowledge assessment, and admission tests at the University of Pécs during the state of emergency based on the sectoral recommendations, and the recommendations of the competent chief physicians of the Clinical Centre and the competent staff of the Facility Management and Procurements Centre.

Responsibility: ÜBI, teaching and examination units

Deadline: continuous

Dr. József Betlehem

Vice Rector for General Affairs, Connections and Strategic Affairs

Chief of the UP Operative Crew

The minimal requirements of protective measures for in-class teaching, knowledge assessment, and admission tests at the University of Pécs during the state of emergency (Hygiene Guidelines)

Based on the authorization outlined in Article 2 of the Rector’s Order 3/2021, UP Operative Crew hereby outlines the minimal requirements of protective measures for in-class teaching, knowledge assessment, and admission tests at the University of Pécs during the state of emergency.

General guidelines for entering University premises

1.1. According to the entrance order applicable during the state of emergency outlined in the joint order of the rector and the chancellor only healthy individuals who do not show any symptoms of coronavirus infection and whose body temperature does not exceed the level specified by the National Chief Medical Officer shall enter university premises at their own risk.

1.2. Every individual shall practice social distancing and stay 1.5 metres apart (protective distance) from each other and shall wear protective gear (facemask) that covers the mouth and the nose (surgical mask, safety mask, mask made of textile or other fabric) on all university premises, including public spaces.

General guidelines for in-class teaching

2.1. In-class teaching (practices, practical training) must be organised in such a way that a minimum protective distance of 1.5 metres can be maintained, taking into account the capacity of the classroom.

2.2. All educational and community spaces must fully comply with the cleaning guidelines set out in the National Centre for Public Health's Procedures for Higher Education Institutions in a Health Emergency. This must be properly documented. If attendance is required, surface disinfection must be provided in the classrooms between changes of student groups.

2.3. Wearing a facemask is required for both lecturers and students in all cases.

2.4. Special attention should be paid to continuous or regular natural ventilation with increased intensity to reduce the concentration of potential pathogens in closed spaces. Even when air-conditioning is used, ventilation (by opening the windows) of at least 10 minutes per hour is required. The use of fans, portable air purifiers and humidifiers is prohibited. For air conditioning systems in use, at least one summer disinfection cycle shall be provided.

Practices, practical training

3.1. During the practices, students and lecturers are subject to strict hygiene requirements. Before commencing the practice, the participants shall wash their hands with water and soap or sanitize with alcoholic hand sanitizer. The equipment for hand sanitization or handwashing shall be provided on site. Wearing a facemask is required in all cases.

3.2. The required pre-training courses (fire and safety, data protection and hospital hygiene) will be delivered online.

3.3. Schedules should be planned in advance, thus reducing the number of students present at a given time.

3.4. During the practices and practical training, the instructor should strictly monitor the correct use of personal protective equipment. A minimum protective distance of 1.5 metres shall be maintained throughout the training period if possible.

3.5. During the practice, the equipment (including demonstration and IT equipment) shall be cleaned by the instructor or someone delegated for this task thereof with a virucidal surface disinfectant recommended by the manufacturer for disinfecting the respective equipment.

3.6. In certain practice areas, in particular in medical and health science courses, the University institution may introduce additional requirements.

3.7. The rules on practices and practical training shall be complied within both internal and external training places.

Participating in practices at the Clinical Centre

4.1. Special precautions must be taken at the Clinical Centre, therefore all students/trainees (regardless of nationality) on clinical practice shall have a negative COVID-19 test result before starting their practice. Proof of a negative test result can be provided as follows:

a) Certyfing COVID-19 vaccination, or

b) students who have not received the first dose of the vaccination shall undergo a documented SARS CoV-2 antigen-based rapid test every 2 days before the start of the daily practice.

4.2. Anyone with clinical signs of COVID-19 Covid infection will not be allowed to participate in the practice. If signs of this are detected by the instructor, he/she shall immediately arrange for the interruption of the practice and for the provision of the necessary professional assistance.

4.3. The testing is carried out in the departments of the Clinical Centre in accordance with the local practice of screening the employees

4.4. Wearing a facemask is required in every patient care unit of the Clinical Centre during the practice. The hygiene regulations for medical staff at the Clinical Centre and the regulations governing the wearing of personal protective equipment apply to students during the pracitces. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to monitor the correct use of personal protective equipment during the practices.

4.5. Schedules should be planned in advance, thus reducing the number of students present at a given time. The schedules for pupils/students should be drawn up for the period between 6:00am and 10:00pm, thus reducing the number of pupils/students in a class at a given time.

4.6. We recommend to increase the proportion of practical training in the demonstration rooms or skill labs.

General guidelines for in-class exams

5.1. The day of the exam, the area covered by the exam and the number of students expected to sit the exam shall be determined by the competent representative of the examining department.

5.2. Personal protective equipment (facemasks) for lecturers, teachers, students sitting the exams, administrative assistants and faculty assistants is provided centrally by the University with the assistance of the competent staff of the Facility Management and Procurements Centre (hereinafter: ÜBI).

5.3. For final and other exams not mentioned herein but requiring personal attendance, the organizing department shall notify the ÜBI of the specific requirements at least 5 working days before the date of the examination.

5.4. The supply of any additional needs (body temperature measurement, additional disinfectant, gloves if necessary) over and above the general protective equipment, which go beyond the central tasks set out in these guidelines and which the head of the examiner/practice unit deems necessary for preventive purposes, shall be provided directly by the unit concerned.

5.5. Only healthy students and lecturers without symptoms are allowed to take part in the exams/practices. It is the responsibility of the unit concerned to check the conditions for admission to the exams/practices (health, etc.).

5.6. During the exam, a minimum distance of 1.5 metres must be maintained by every participant.

5.7. For written exams, the number of students should be set in accordance with the size of the room, allowing a distance of 1.5 metres between students in all directions.

5.8. During the oral examinations, a maximum of two students may be present in addition to the examiner and the members of the examination board at a time.

5.9. During the exam, the rules of cough etiquette must be strictly observed.

5.10. It is not allowed to pass objects between each other (e.g. dictionary, book, map). It is the student's responsibility to ensure that he/she has the necessary aids. If this is not possible, the number of aids must be adapted to the number of students. The same aid may be used again after 24 hours.

5.11. Ensuring continuous or frequent ventilation in the exam room, on the premise (e.g. corridor) where students are waiting for the exam, and if possible in the bathrooms, is the responsibility of the examining department.

5.12. Written exam documents (e.g. papers) can be safely corrected after a 24-hour waiting period by following hygiene rules (avoiding contact with the face, washing hands thoroughly with soap or alcohol after the activity).

General guidelines for cleaning

6.1. Sanitation must be carried out in all areas that are used during the exams/practices, including the study administration areas.

6.2. In addition to cleaning the floor, the cleaning shall include all equipment touched by the students (door handles; tables, chairs, switches, other surfaces frequently touched by hand, etc.), except for equipment used during the practice or exam (including demonstration and IT equipment), which shall be cleaned by the instructor, examiner or his/her delegate. The use of disinfectant wipes is recommended for cleaning.

6.3. Cleaning should be carried out with a single-phase virucidal surface disinfectant and cleaner.

6.4. The cleaning of the bathrooms is ensured by the cleaner on duty at all times, who is responsible for the disinfection and continuous and frequent ventilation of these rooms, with particular attention to the frequency of the cleaning as required.

6.5. Refilling of the hand sanitiser dispensers installed in the buildings is ensured by the resident janitor.

Special guidelines for cleaning the exam rooms

7.1. In the case of oral exams, the furniture used by the students shall be disinfected and wiped down by the cleaner on duty before the next use, if necessary at the discretion of the examiner. The cleaner on duty shall be informed by the examiner on the cellular phone number provided in advance.

7.2. In the case of written exams, the disinfectant cleaning of the room after the examination must be carried out according to the main rules.

7.3. Specific hygiene requirement for examinations: in places where students use equipment consecutively during practical exams, the examiner or his/her delegate shall sanitize the equipment after each use with a virucidal disinfectant recommended by the manufacturer to that particular equipment. The disinfectant used shall be agreed in advance. Hand sanitization is recommended before and after the use of the device.

Compliance with these guidelines

8.1. Compliance with these guidelines shall be monitored by the rector and the relevant unit’s head.

8.2. Epidemiological protection measures more stringent than those provided for in these guidelines may be issued by the head of any unit after prior notification and approval of the UP Operative.

8.3. According to Article 4 of the Joint Order 20/2020 Of The Rector and the Chancellor, violators of the rules on protective measures shall be held personally accountable. The person acting on behalf of the operator of the building may warn the violator to cease the violation. If the violator does not comply following the warning, then the violator shall leave the university premises. If the violator repeatedly violates the rules, the relevant provisions of university disciplinary and liability procedures shall apply.

Pécs, 12 May 2021

These guidelines were adopted by the UP Operative Crew at its online meeting under Resolution 3/2021 (12 May)

11.01.2021 | Students | Letter from the Dean | Spring semester of academic year 2020/2021

Dear International Students and Parents,

2020 turned out to be a totally unpredictable year for all of us. The outbreak of COVID- 19 made us all experience new things like work from home and distance education; it turned our lives upside down.

Although the epidemiological situation has posed serious challenges for everyone, we would like to thank all of our students for their patience, responsible and cooperative behaviour for adapting all the sudden changes.

The goal of UP FEIT is to continuously support its students with updated information on our English-language website regarding coronavirus, arrival to campus, semester start and scholarships. In the upcoming spring semester, we continually pay special attention to health and safety regulations.

For  the updated information, please visit: https://english.mik.pte.hu/news/information-for-students-and-colleagues-on-the-epidemiological-situation-related-to-the-spread-of-the-coronavirus

The Spring semester of 2020/2021 academic year will start as scheduled. Classes will begin on Monday, 1st of February. Education will continue in digital format. A few courses will be delivered in a hybrid format, meaning both in-person and remote. PTE Moodle LMS is the supported online teaching and assessment platform of the Faculty. MS Teams will be continually used for online classes and student contact; it is highly recommended to stay updated for first-hand information from lecturers.

Our main aim is still to provide the best possible educational experience to our students, either in the classroom or in their home country.

Finally, wish you strength and, above all, good health in 2021.

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Gabriella Medvegy

dean of UP FEIT

The document is available here: LINK

08.01.2021 | Students | Updates on entering Hungary

Updates on entering Hungary

Last update: 08.01.2021.


The Hungarian Government introduced new measures in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic. As a main rule, based on a governmental decree effective as of 1 September 2020, only Hungarian citizens may enter the territory of Hungary in passenger traffic, however persons holding a valid residence permit issued by the aliens policing authority allowing for the residence in Hungary for a duration exceeding 90 days and presents this document upon entry ("D type visa is equivalent) are entitled to the same rights as Hungarian citizens, in terms of entering the country. 


In case, you do not hold any of the above mentioned documents, the police authority may allow entry if you prove that the purpose of entry is meeting study or exam obligations under student status, certified by a document, which is issued by the educational institution, such as Letter of Acceptance, Student Status Certificate, etc. Therefore, foreign citizens, who are students studying in Hungary can enter the country. 


In this article we will conclude the most important changes, and their effect on your arrival to our campuses.



What does it mean for You?


If  you have a D type visa, residence permit or registration card (EEA citizens):

  • You can enter Hungary with your above mentioned documents.
  • You have to pass a temperature check on arrival.
  • You will need to stay in quarantine for 10 days, which can be waived by 2 negative SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests, performed at two different times, with at least 48 hours between them, in the course of the preceding 5 days. The first test (molecular biological test in accordance with health professional rules - the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test) made in a Schengen member state, in the United States of America or in Canada must be taken also into account. The result of the test must be certified in Hungarian or English. If the  SARS-CoV-2 PCR test, performed at two different times, proves that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was not detected in your body at the time of the tests, the epidemiological authority responsible for issuing the quarantine order shall grant an exemption from the quarantine order.

Coronavirus testing center at the Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport


If you  DO NOT HAVE a D type visa, residence permit or registration card:

  • Before entering Hungary, you need to fill a Police clearence form (leciency application), which is available on the Police's Electronical Administration portal
    • Click on "Submissions related to the epidemic control measures".
    • From the 4 possible options, choose "On lodging an equity request to cross the state border or an appeal against a decision taken in this subject". 
    • On the next page, choose "COVID-02: On lodging an equity request to cross the state border (no login required)". 
    • Click on "Digital".
    • Type in the code, and click on "I am not a robot".
    • In the form, you have to provide, where would you like to enter the country, as well as you have to add your contact details, and upload your Letter of Acceptance / Confirmation Letter.
    • Once you received a positive feedback from the Police, you can enter Hungary.
  • You have to pass a temperature check on arrival, and if you are suspected of being infected, you cannot enter the territory of Hungary. 
  • You will need to stay in quarantine for 10 days, which can be waived by 2 negative SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests, performed at two different times, with at least 48 hours between them, in the course of the preceding 5 days. The first test (molecular biological test in accordance with health professional rules - the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test) made in a Schengen member state, in the United States of America or in Canada must be taken also into account. The result of the test must be certified in Hungarian or English. If the  SARS-CoV-2 PCR test, performed at two different times, proves that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was not detected in your body at the time of the tests, the epidemiological authority responsible for issuing the quarantine order shall grant an exemption from the quarantine order.

Coronavirus testing center at the Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport


  • You also need a "Certificate for entering Hungary" issued by the University, if you are a
    • a first year student, or
    • a senior student,
      • without a valid D type visa, or your residence permit/registration card expired, and
      • you returned to your home country and now you would like to travel back to Hungary, or this is the first time when you are travelling to Hungary as a student of the University. 

First year students will receive this certificate automatically in the upcoming weeks. Senior students with the above conditions will receive a registration form, which they have to fill out, in order to receive the certificate. Upon arrival to Hungary, this certificate can also be requested by the police.

Please note, if you are a senior student with a valid residence permit or registration card, and you didn't left Hungary since you entered in September/October, you do not need this certificate. 



For further information on entering Hungary, please visit the official webiste of the Hungarian Police Authority.


Quarantine and PCR testing


If you wish to stay in your rented flat / private accommodation for the quarantine:

  • You can decide to stay in quarantine in your rented flat for 10 days. After the quarantine period ends, you can leave your flat.
  • You can also get tested, and after two negative tests, your quarantine will be waived.
  • If you do the quarantine in a rented flat, and would like to be tested, you need to take the following steps:
    • Book an appointment for testing:
      • by writing an email to fmk@pte.hu
      • The examinations are made at the Centre for Occupational Medicine (7624 Pécs Nyár u. 8.)
    • Send a request for leaving the quarantine for testing purposes to pecs.nepegeszsegugy@baranya.gov.hu They will issue you the certificate which you can use for leaving the quarantine. This certificate costs HUF 3,000, which you can pay by bank transfer to the Chief Medical Officer in Pécs (bank details will be sent to you by them). If you already have a booked appointment for the test, include the time and date in the request.
    • If you receive the certificate, you can go for the test. Please make sure that you use the shortest way possible, and do not use public transportation.



If you wish to stay in the dormitory for the quarantine, you shall visit the International Welcome Desk as you arrive to Pécs:

The International Welcome Desk operates as the entry point to our quarantine dormitory. If you stay here, the PCR testing will be conducted on the spot, our colleagues from the Clinical Centre will visit you in your room to take the tests. As a University student, you do not have to pay for the PCR tests taken by the University of Pécs. (The fee waiver applies only to those students, who are starting their studies in the given semester, or travelling for the first time to Pécs)

Office hours of the International Welcome Desk:

Open from 27th January 2021, 0-24.


Address of the International Welcome Desk:

7633 Pécs, Szántó-Kovács János utca 1/a

The entrance is from Stadion utca (‘utca’ means street).

On Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/eLiTFq7fWbZDbAJ89



Charges of the International Welcome Desk service and quarantine accommodation (Students with existing dormitory membership, quarantined at their dormitory residence (or other dormitory accommodation of equivalent quality) is not exempt from paying dormitory fees.):


With dormitory membership

Without dormitory membership

1 day in quarantine

HUF 4 850

HUF 7 350

2 days in quarantine

HUF 7 900

HUF 12 900

3 days in quarantine

HUF 10 950

HUF 18 450

4 days in quarantine

HUF 14 000

HUF 23 950

5 days in quarantine

HUF 17 050

HUF 29 450

7 days in quarantine

HUF 23 150

HUF 40 450

14 days in quarantine

HUF 46 300

HUF 80 900


Charges of the specially prepared dormitory placement must be paid when the quarantine period has ended. You can pay with credit card or cash (only HUF can be accepted) at the Welcome Desk.


The above price contains:

  • 3 meals per day
  • continuous supply and replacement of liquid soap and toilet paper
  • changing the bed linens according to the current health regulations


The following things will happen to you at International Welcome Desk:

  1. Your documents (Passport, other medical tests, Letter of Acceptance, dormitory registration, or proof of rented flat) will be checked.
  2. You will be asked to fill out a medical questionnaire and according to the severity of the COVID situation in your country (where you stayed in the 14 days prior to your arrival) you will be categorized.
  3. Appointments will be arranged for you to take the necessary PCR tests
  4. You can check in to your quarantine placement.  


At the International Welcome Desk hand sanitizer, Wi-Fi, drinking water and disposable cups will be provided. You will also have the possibility to buy different types of face masks.



If you have questions regarding education, orientation, starting dates or online registration and enrolment, please contact your faculty coordinator directly. 

01.09.2020 | Students | Updated information on entering Hungary Dear Students

The Hungarian Government introduced new measures in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic. In this e-mail we will conclude the most important changes, and their effect on your arrival to our campuses.
Please note, that you should contact your faculty directly, if you have questions regarding education.

The Government Decree of 30 August introduced two major changes:

·         Every foreign country is considered as ’red’.

·         COVID19 tests taken abroad are no longer acceptable in Hungary.

What does it mean for You?

If you arrived in Hungary before 1 September:

·         these new regulations have no effects on your life.

If you arrive after 1 September, and you have a D type visa, residence permit or registration card (EEA citizens):

·         You can enter Hungary with your above mentioned documents, but you will need to stay in quarantine for 14 days, which can be waived by 2 negative PCR tests (more information about testing and quarantine below).

If you arrive after 1 September, and you DO NOT HAVE a D type visa, residence permit or registration card: if you arrive after 1 September, and you DO NOT HAVE a D type visa, residence permit or registration card:

·         Before entering Hungary, you need to fill a Police clearence form, accessible here: https://ugyintezes.police.hu/en/urlap?token=783cd4ab7ddd-4b65-9523-79339080fbbe&faces-redirect=true

o    At the point of Entry, if you do not find the International Airport in Budapest, start typing „Liszt Ferenc” and „Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér” will appear, where you shall choose between terminal 2/A and 2/B

o    Please upload here your Letter of Acceptance / Confirmation Letter, or any other official document that proves your student status at the University of Pécs

·         Once you have received a positive feedback from the Police, you can enter Hungary.

·         After arrival you will need to stay in quarantine for 14 days, which can be waived by 2 negative PCR tests (more information about testing and quarantine below).

Quarantine and PCR testing

As a University student, you do not have to pay for the PCR tests taken by the University of Pécs.

If you wish to stay in your rented flat / private accommodation for the quarantine:

·         You can decide to stay in quarantine in your rented flat for 14 days. After the quarantine period ends, you can leave your flat.

·         You can also get tested, and after two negative tests, your quarantine will be waived.

·         If you do the quarantine in a rented flat, and would like to be tested, you need to take the following steps:

o    Book an appointment for testing:

§  by writing an email to fmk@pte.hu

§  The examinations are made at the Centre for Occupational Medicine (7624 Pécs Nyár u. 8.)

o    Send a request for leaving the quarantine for testing purposes to pecs.nepegeszsegugy@baranya.gov.hu They will issue you the certificate which you can use for leaving the quarantine. This certificate costs HUF 3,000, which you can pay by bank transfer to the Chief Medical Officer in Pécs (bank details will be sent to you by them). If you already have a booked appointment for the test, include the time and date in the request.

o    If you receive the certificate, you can go for the test. Please make sure that you use the shortest way possible, and do not use public transportation.


If you wish to stay in the dormitory for the quarantine, you shall visit the International Welcome Desk as you arrive to Pécs:

The International Welcome Desk operates as the entry point to our quarantine dormitory. If you stay here, the PCR testing will be conducted on the spot, our colleagues from the Clinical Centre will visit you in your room to take the tests.

Office hours of the International Welcome Desk:Office hours of the International Welcome Desk:

31 August: 8:00 AM to 23:59 PM (CEST)

1 September – 30 September: 0-24,

1st October - 31st October: 8:00 AM to 20:00 PM (CEST)


Address of the International Welcome Desk:

7633 Pécs, Szántó-Kovács János utca 1/a

The entrance is from Stadion utca (‘utca’ means street).

On Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/eLiTFq7fWbZDbAJ89





Charges of the International Welcome Desk service and quarantine accommodation (Students with existing dormitory membership, quarantined at their dormitory residence (or other dormitory accommodation of equivalent quality) is not exempt from paying dormitory fees.):


With dormitory membership

Without dormitory membership

1 day in quarantine

HUF 4 850

HUF 7 350

2 days in quarantine

HUF 7 900

HUF 12 900

3 days in quarantine

HUF 10 950

HUF 18 450

4 days in quarantine

HUF 14 000

HUF 23 950

5 days in quarantine

HUF 17 050

HUF 29 450

7 days in quarantine

HUF 23 150

HUF 40 450

14 days in quarantine

HUF 46 300

HUF 80 900



Charges of the specially prepared dormitory placement must be paid when the quarantine period has ended. You can pay with credit card or cash (only HUF can be accepted) at the Welcome Desk.

The above price contains:

  • 3 meals per day
  • continuous supply and replacement of liquid soap and toilet paper
  • changing the bed linens according to the current health regulations

The following things will happen to you at International Welcome Desk:

  1. Your documents (Passport, other medical tests, Letter of Acceptance, dormitory registration, or proof of rented flat) will be checked.
  2. You will be asked to fill out a medical questionnaire and according to the severity of the COVID situation in your country (where you stayed in the 14 days prior to your arrival) you will be categorized.
  3. Appointments will be arranged for you to take the necessary PCR tests
  4. You can check in to your quarantine placement.  

At the International Welcome Desk hand sanitizer, Wi-Fi, drinking water and disposable cups will be provided. You will also have the possibility to buy different types of face masks.

University of Pécs - Rector's Cabinet - Centre for Internationalisation and Connections 

24.08.2020 | Students | Letter from the Rector - Information on entering Hungary

Dear Students and Future Students of the University of Pécs,

In this e-mail, we intend to provide all of you with important news and details regarding the forthcoming academic year. I know it is a long letter, but please, make sure to read it thoroughly as it contains vital information.

Under the pressures of the COVID-19 global pandemic, our main policy has been straightforward, and stays ‘Safety First’, in line with the requisite that we must follow the basic instructions regarding social distancing and personal hygiene. We do everything we can to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all university citizens.

Previously we have sent out a survey to you. If you have not filled it yet, please, do it as soon as possible: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=1AIHVwcBOUqp1XR_i5eukUtUAs9AW1Nh87877XFep5UNkJQN080R0pYWUk3RDdEMFZGVjNCNUszQiQlQCN0PWcu


According to Government Decree 341/2020. (VII. 12.), the Hungarian Government categorized countries and regions into 3 types based on the severity of the COVID situation in each: green, yellow, and red.

• Green stands for safe/lightly affected countries or regions.

• Yellow is for moderately affected countries or regions.

• Red countries or regions are the most affected countries or regions, with the highest counts of the newly infected.

The list of countries is meant to be updated weekly, on Wednesdays. The official list (as it was announced by the government on August 7th, 2020) contains only yellow and red countries. If you do not find your country of interest in the official notice of the Hungarian Government, it belongs to the green category.

1. Enter Hungary without restrictions Anyone, regardless of nationality or status in Hungary coming from green countries or regions can travel into Hungary without any restrictions. If you study in the field of medical and health sciences, and you will need to do clinical practice, special rules will apply to you. Please, contact your faculty coordinator for further information.

2. Enter Hungary with a preferential status Students with valid Residence Permits (non-EU/EEA students) or D type visas, issued by the Hungarian immigration authority may enter Hungary from countries or regions with yellow and red status, and do not require a police clearance but they shall pass a medical examination at their point of entry into Hungary.

• If they are suspected to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, they will be quarantined at a location decided by the authorities (normally their registered address in Hungary or at a stateapproved quarantine location).

• If they do not seem infected, they will still be required to stay in self-quarantine for 14 days but the requirement for self-quarantine can be waived: o If they have 2 negative SARS-CoV-2 test results, both performed over the last 5 days prior to the entry into Hungary, at least 48 hours apart, indicating that they are healthy. The test certificates must be in Hungarian or English.* o If, after entering Hungary, they are tested for SARS-CoV-2 twice, at least 48 hours apart, with a negative result, the rest of the 14 days is waived. * All COVID PCR tests result must be in English or Hungarian for the border entry.

3. Entry into Hungary for those without Hungarian documents (valid Residence Permits or D type visas) Students without Hungarian documents arriving from “yellow” countries, they will have to pass a medical examination at their point of entry into Hungary. • If they are suspected to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, they will be turned away from the border and refused entry. • If they do not seem infected, they will still be required to stay in self-quarantine for 14 days but the requirement for self-quarantine can be waived: o If they have 2 negative SARS-CoV-2 test results, both performed over the last 5 days prior to the entry into Hungary, at least 48 hours apart, indicating that they are healthy. The test certificates must be in Hungarian or English.* o If, after entering Hungary, they are tested for SARS-CoV-2 twice, at least 48 hours apart, with a negative result, the rest of the 14 days is waived. * All COVID PCR tests result must be in English or Hungarian for the border entry. Students without Hungarian documents arriving from “red” countries, are required to fill out a “Leniency Application” in order to cross the border. The leniency application is available on the Police's Electronical Administration portal. This page is in Hungarian, but the form is available in English, so do not worry. Go to the bottom left tile: “Államhatáron történő beutazáshoz méltányossági kérelem”. Then, click on it again on the next page. On the third page, you have the following options:

• COVID-01: entry application with logging in to “ügyfélkapu” (the Hungarian electronic administration system)

• COVID-02: entry application without logging in to “ügyfélkapu”

• COVID-03: appeal if your previous application was refused, with logging in to “ügyfélkapu”

• COVID-04: appeal if your previous application was refused, without logging in to “ügyfélkapu”

You will most probably need the option COVID-02, especially if you are not registered within “ügyfélkapu”.

The first question in the form is the Point of Entry. If you arrive by plane, start typing Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér and it will show up. You can choose from terminal 2A or 2B, it must be shown on your plane ticket.

If you enter Hungary with a police clearance, the procedures listed above in Section 3 related to COVID-19 testing on the border will be relevant for you. Meanwhile, please, note that it is important to start with the process of applying for your visa whereas, you will be notified by the Hungarian Consulate in your country if you need to submit a Leniency Application.


After landing in Hungary, we advise you to take a shuttle which offers you a direct ride to Pécs. This is the safest way to travel and it costs approx. HUF 11,000 (≈ EUR 32). Please note that the University of Pécs does not arrange the shuttle for you. There are two main companies which offer airport shuttle from Budapest to Pécs:

Travel4You Airport Shuttle

MECSEK Travel Airport Shuttle

These minibuses are sterilized before every ride, making it the safest option to get to Pécs. We strongly advise to always wear a face mask in any enclosed place, including the vehicles. If you arrive in Pécs by road, make sure that you make no unnecessary stop and go to your destination on the shortest and quickest way.


Regardless of your departure country, upon arrival in Pécs, you shall go to the International Welcome Desk (address: Szántó Dormitory 7633 Pécs, Szántó-Kovács János utca 1/d). The following things will happen to you there:

1. Your documents (Passport, PCR test result (if available), other medical tests, Letter of Acceptance, dormitory registration, or proof of rented flat) will be checked.

a. If no further steps are required, you are free to move into the dormitory or to your rented flat.

b. If further PCR tests must be taken, the first test will be done there, and if necessary,

we provide you with quarantine placement in a specially prepared dormitory building.


Quarantine placement will be available for students who need it in a specially prepared dormitory building. If a second negative test is also necessary, we will provide it for you 48 hours after the first one was taken. If you have been quarantined, we organize you delivered meals, and you will be able to join the classes online.

The University of Pécs provides the students with PCR tests for free, but special charges will apply for the International Welcome Desk service and the quarantine accommodation. More details on the exact fees are expected to come out soon.


The University of Pécs is ready for the forthcoming academic year, and we are prepared to deliver high-level education with various methods. Enrolment and course registration is available online, and if you cannot travel to Hungary, or you will be quarantined in Hungary, you will be able to follow classes online.

As you know we have a broad portfolio of study programs and each of them require different pedagogical methods, so for up-to-date information regarding academic matters, please, contact your Faculty coordinator directly. We collect every information on this website: https://international.pte.hu/admissions_update

If you have any question or need any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact my colleagues at the faculties (https://international.pte.hu/support_contact) or at the international@pte.hu e-mail address.

I wish you a pleasant trip to Hungary and hope to see you soon,

Prof. Attila Miseta

Rector of the University of Pécs

14.05.2020 | Students | Exam period info 2020
Dear Students,

We would like to call your attention that our exam period will be open between 18th May to 5th June 2020 for graduating students and it will be open between 18th May  to 19th June  2020 for non graduating students  and also, please make sure all your grades are registered in Neptun by the end of June!

How to register for exams:

Please, first check that you do not have any unpaid fee, because it makes you unable to register for an exam and the lecturers are unable to sign grade as well. Check that your Training and Fee Agreement is signed an uploaded into Neptun.

You can register through Neptun System.

Log in, choose the exam, drop-down menu in the filtering section and choose exam registration (1). There you will find two filtering options, Terms (2.) choose the current term, and Subject (3.) choose „Every Subject” and then List them (4.). All off your exam dates will appear under the „Exams” subtitle. There you will find every detail about your exams one by one. Click on the „+” at the end (5.), then the „Register” button.

Exam fees:

1.      Not attending: Annex 1. Article 53 of the Code of Charges and Benefits: 2000 HUF / missed exam.

2.      Retake: Code of Studies and Examinations 12 chapter Article 53 (7) and Annex 1. Article 53 of the Code of Charges and Benefits: The student shall pay 2500 HUF/retake.

How to pay: To be able to pay it, first you need to create this payment for yourself in Neptun. Log in and go to Finances/Payment menu, then click on Transcribe item. 

(1) Payment titles: Retake exam (2); Terms: current semester (3); Service type: you can choose the course you want to retake the exam (2.500 HUF) (4);

Offered Grades: If you have an offered grade waiting to be accepted, a pop-up window will let you know when you log in Neptun. But you can also check: Neptunc- Subjects – Offered grade. 

We wish you successful exams and if you have questions do not hesitate to contact us by email.

Kind regards, UP FEIT Registrar’s Office

13.05.2020 | Students | Cash desk opening hours
The cash desks are closed due to the novel coronavirus pandemic but will reopen as outlined in the Rector’s Order 5/2020 (7 May) as follows: Paying with foreign currency (USD, EUR) is only possible at Szántó street cash desk. The cashier can not give change, so please bring the exact amount of money that you need to pay.
Cash desk

Ifjúság street cash desk | Monday, Wednesday | 8-14
Szántó street cash desk | Tuesday, Thursday | 8-14

Covering your face is compulsory in order to safeguard your health and the health of the cashier.

Please note that the epidemic is not over yet, therefore only visit the cash desk if you can not pay through any other methods.
Best rerards,
Central Registrar’s Office

14.04.2020 | Students | Notification about the validity period of residence documents

Notification about the validity period of residence documents 9th of April 2020.

We hereby inform our Clients, that due to the epidemiological situation the validity period of the issued residence documents, permanent residence and immigration permits – except for the short-term visa and entry visa for receiving a residence permit – is automatically extended until the 45th day after the end of the emergency phase.

This concerns the following documents which were valid till 2400 on the 6th of April 2020. or expired on that day:

- Permanent residence card

- Residence card issued to third-country national family member of a Hungarian citizen

- Permanent residence card for EEA nationals

- Residence permit

- Immigration permit

- Permanent residence permit

- Interim permanent residence permit

- EC permanent residence permit

- National permanent residence permit

This does not concern the residence documents which have already been expired

Please note that the the above mentioned residence documents have to be extended 30 days before their expiry date, so the application for the extension has to be submitted within 15 days after the end of the emergency phase.

We kindly request our Clients not to submit applications for the extension of the above mentioned residence documents at present.


The valid residence documents only enable the owner to the previously acquired rights, and are only automatically extended if all required conditions for the residence document are unchanged.

In case the required conditions for the issued residence document change (e.g. change of employer, change of position within the company, or e.g. a student would like to strart working) then it is necessary to submit an application for a new type of residence permit or to apply for the extension of the valid residence permit.

Please note that in case the conditions for acquiring the residence document stated by the law are no longer met it will still result in the withdrawal of the residence document.

Regional Directorate of Southern Transdanubia - General for Aliens Policing

31.03.2020 | Students | Notification from UP FEIT Registrar's Office

Dear Students!

We would like to draw your attention that we work from home office but we are also available by phone or by email.

If you need a student status or a credit certificate, please note that it will take more time so we kindly ask you to update your Hungarian address in Neptun because the administration will be done by post.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Kind regards, Kata and Marta from UP FEIT Registrar's Office

23.03.2020 | Students | PTE MIK ITCS | PTE MIK Teams User Guide

You can open the PTE MIK User Guide on the following link: PTE MIK Teams User Guide

22.03.2020 | Students | Letter from University Ombudsman | Information about Student Counselling / Legal Aid Clinic
Dear Students,

We would like to remind everyone that UP’s student services are continuously available as online distance services:

· Student Counselling

The psychological support is provided in virtual space, via online channels, preferably via Skype connection.

Privacy and secure connection is a priority for us. An online relationship requires special settings ensured by both parties. We suppose the responsible behaviour of our students.

Online counselling has a special character compared to face to face encounters. Be aware that it may affect the efficacy and understanding of emotional and verbal communication.

Due to the conditions of these new technologies, a longer time may occur until making an appointment. Please, be aware that Student Counselling do not provide urgent and emergency service.

Applying for an appointment: submit an email to Student Counselling counselling@pte.hu

Your counsellor will instruct you about the technical protocol and communication.

More information will be available regarding this new form of counselling service and conditions on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Student-Well-Being-Service-UP-503529249812113/) and on our website (http://counselling.pte.hu/).

Please, read thoroughly and follow the instructions. You will find there useful tips for successful adjustment as well.

· Legal Aid Clinic

Whenever you have housing, residence, consumer or civil law-related problems contact the Legal Aid Clinic (LAC) for free legal advice. Please, note: The LAC does not offer legal representation in courts, this is a free service to inform you about your rights and obligations in a legal dispute. The LAC is not competent in solving study-related disputes within UP.

Contact them online: http://legalclinic.hu/index.php/en/legal-aid

E-mail: jogklinika@ajk.pte.hu

· University Ombudsman

The University Ombudsman helps to mediate and solve issues between university citizens, within the University of Pécs.

Dr. Dániel PÁL (Mr.) – via e-mail: ombudsman@pte.hu OR telephone: +36 30/9013-613 (Mon-Thursday: 8-13:00)

19.03.2020 | Students | Letter from the Rector | Information for students - Remote education at the UP

From 23 March 2020, the University of Pécs will switch to remote education in the state of emergency ordered due to the coronavirus epidemic. I ask for your cooperation and patience to make the transition as smooth as possible! Our lecturers and learning support colleagues will do their best to make a successful spring semester.

The lecturers will be available based on the existing schedule of the courses. They will inform you about the teaching methods.

It is important to:

- thoroughly read the e-mails you receive from the university, the Faculty, the lecturers, and the Registrar’s Office will inform you about the teaching methods, the availability of the learning materials and the means of correspondence,

- study the platforms and methods your lecturers tell you to use for remote learning, share your experiences and learning methods with other students,

- Do not hesitate to contact your lecturers and the staff of the Registrar’s Office if you encounter any problems during remote learning. We will answer you in e-mails as soon as possible.

- You can find information on the University Library’s online services here: https://lib.pte.hu/en/extraordinary_closing

Please note:

- Spring break from 16 March to 20 March.

- Students are prohibited from entering university buildings from 12 March until further notice.

Online-only: education, administrative matters, library services, information and correspondence. - Up-to-date information for students: https://pte.hu/en/covid/hygienic-recommendations - Latest news: https://pte.hu/en/covid/news

Please follow the official government communication, comply with the hygiene regulations and the provisions of the authorities. I count on your personal sense of responsibility in mitigating the epidemic. Take care for yourself and the people around you.

Dr. Attila Miseta


18.03.2020 | Students | Letter from the Vice Dean of Educational Matters | Distance Learning from 23rd of March

Dear Students,

As you have already been informed, the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (as with all the other universities in Hungary), will change its teaching system to distance learning from March 23, 2020.

Your teachers are preparing the organization and transition of your courses during the spring break (March 16-20, 2020). This transition concerns all previously announced courses of this semester, including both Hungarian and English courses. According to the new regulations, teachers and students are only allowed to keep in contact online, and this includes every form of consultation (diploma work, theses, computational works, etc.) as well as mid-year exams.

The following will happen within the period of March 16-20:

• Course requirements that are better suited to the digital teaching format will be uploaded to Neptun Meet Street by the teachers - you can find them under the ‘Documents’ menu.

• At the same time, the digital teaching platform will be chosen by the teachers. By default this will be Neptun Meet Street and another platform that is suitable for online teaching. The option recommended by the University is Microsoft Teams and we have already started to create these Teams groups.

As soon as a teacher is ready with the scheduling of a given course, he/she will contact you and let you know what to do.

Online teaching will commence on March 23rd, 2020 and will take place based on your previously existing timetable. Within this time period, we will continuously provide the opportunity for interaction between students and their teachers. Consultations will be in real time and you will get more information from your teachers.

For administration and other queries regarding your studies, please use the usual digital channels and phone numbers.

This transition to digital teaching system is new for both students and teachers and in the beginning some difficulties are to be expected, but we trust that they will be quickly resolved. If you have any problems, please contact your teachers to ensure you are able to successfully complete the spring semester.

We wish you all the best in connection with your studies and health.

Yours sincerely:

Dr Ildikó Jancskárné Anweiler

Vice-Dean for Educational Matters

12.03.2020 | Students | Letter from the Rector | Rector’s Order no. 2/2020 on rescheduling the spring semester of the academic year 2019/2020

Article 1.

In view of the state of emergency declared by Government Decree 40/2020 (III.11.) and pursuant to Article 4. b) of the Government Decree 41/2020 (III.11.) prohibiting students from entering the premises of higher education institutions, and adhering to the order issued by the State Secretary for Higher Education, I hereby reschedule the spring semester of the academic year 2019/2020 at every Faculty of the University of Pécs and order spring break from 16 March 2020 to 22 March 2020.

Article 2.

The order shall cover all higher education training programmes at the University of Pécs.

Article 3.

The order shall enter into force on 12 March 2020.

Pécs, 12 March 2020, 11:00 a.m.

Dr. Attila Miseta


12.03.2020 | Employees | Letter from the Operative Crew | Decisions of the UP Operative Crew

UP Operative Crew’s resolution no. 1/2020. (III.12.)

The UP Operative Crew unanimously supports the restrictions in the Rector’s and Chancellor’s Joint Order no. 4/2020 on the employer measures under the extraordinary circumstances due to the coronavirus outbreak considering the state of emergency declared by the Government. The restrictions affect the following fields:

- abroad missions in case of the scope of persons shall be fully forbidden from March 13, 2020,

- provisions of the Government Decree 41/2020 (III.11.) pertaining to healthcare workers shall be included,

- legal consequences of the abroad travels in the public servant employees’ free time shall extend to any abroad travels instead of travels to „endangered areas”.

responsible: Chancellery - Directorate of Human Resources, Secretariat of the Rector’s Cabinet

deadline: March 13, 2020

UP Operative Crew’s statement no. 2/2020 (III.12.) on the interpretation of the prohibition visiting higher educational institution by students, based on the questions raised until today:

- the prohibition of visiting the institution shall extend to students of the undergraduate training having only student status

- in case the student has also employment status besides the student status at the University, the prohibition shall not extend to him/her considering the employment status,

- the prohibition shall extend to the rotational year students of the Medical School,

- doctorate students pursue their educational and research work similarly to the employees; therefore the prohibition shall not extend to them,

- Council meetings (eg.: Faculty Council, Educational Committee) that require students’ presence may be held only if the students’ participation in the consultation and decision-making can be provided with the help of info communicational devices, otherwise postponing the meetings and suspending the ongoing procedures are suggested.

UP Operative Crew’s statement no. 3/2020 (III.12.) on the activity of the students of the UP in the practical training:

The UP Operative Crew unanimously agrees that students pursuing professional practices in the practice institutions and other partner organizations of the University shall suspend their activity from March 13, 2020 until the termination of the state of emergency.

UP Operative Crew’s resolution no. 4/2020. (III.12.)

The UP Operative Crew unanimously agrees that every elective surgical procedure – except the oncological surgical cases – shall be halted from March 13, 2020 until contrary order of the President of the Clinical Centre.

responsible: President of the Clinical Centre

deadline: promptly

UP Operative Crew’s resolution no. 5/2020. (III.12.ew’s resolution no. 5/2020. (III.12.)

In accordance with the unanimous decision of the UP Operative Crew extra capacity for patient care shall be established in the Clinical Centre. The health care professional operative team suggests conducting the preparations of the establishment of extra capacity in the Rákóczi Street premises of the Clinical Centre, in the currently out-of-use, but formerly patient care buildings.

The development of the extra capacity affects the current nurse hostel, by emptying it.

responsible: President of the Clinical Centre, Chancellery – Directorate of Technical Services

deadline: March 17, 2020, 08:00

UP Operative Crew’s resolution no. 6/2020. (III.12.)

The UP Operative Crew unanimously suggests the issuing of the Rector’s Order 3/2020 on the closing of dormitories.

responsible: Secretariat of the Rector’s Cabinet, University Student Union

deadline: promptly

UP Operative Crew’s resolution no. 7/2020. (III.12.)

The UP Operative Crew unanimously orders to suspend internal trainings of the University of Pécs until the state of emergency is not terminated.

responsible: Head of the Rector’s Cabinet

deadline: promptly

UP Operative Crew’s resolution no. 8/2020. (III.12.)

The UP Operative Crew authorises Attila Lengvárszky, director of academic affairs to make the necessary university proposals to the Tempus Foundation on bearing the costs of the cancelled Erasmus trips.

responsible: director of academic affairs

deadline: March 13, 2020

UP Operative Crew’s resolution no. 9/2020. (III.12.)

The UP Operative Crew authorises Attila Lengvárszky director of academic affairs to publish educational-organisational and information technological proposal to the organisational units of the University in order to prepare for distance teaching.

The UP Operative Crew invites the leaders of the Faculties and other organizational units pursuing educational activities to send their actions plan and attendance claims for the distance teaching based on the proposal of the educational director.

responsible: Rector’s Cabinet Directorate of Educational Affairs Chancellery, Directorate of Information Technologies

deadline: promptly

UP Operative Crew’s resolution no. 10/2020 (III.12.)

For the purposes of the UP Operative Crew’s decision every autonomous organisational unit of the UP shall appoint a person in charge as a contact for the Operative Crew and send his/her e-mail address and mobile phone number to the central e-mail address (pteoperativstab@pte.hu) of the Operative Crew.

responsible: heads of the autonomous organisational units

deadline: March 13, 2020

Pécs, March 12, 2020

Dr. József Betlehem

Vice-Rector for General Affairs, Strategies and Relations

Head of the UP Operative Crew