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Műszaki és Informatikai Kar

XXXII. International Welding Conference

The Hungarian Welding Society, in collaboration with the Hungarian Association of Welding Technology and Material Testing, Hungarian Association for Nondestructive Testing, Association of the Hungarian Steel Industry, and the University of Dunaújváros, is pleased to announce the organization of the XXXIInd International Welding Conference, with its central theme being:

New Developments in the Application of Welding and Related Processes, Automation, and Safe, Health-Conscious Work Practices

The conference covers the following professional areas:

· Advanced Solutions for the Control and Supervision of Welding, Thermal, and Waterjet Cutting Process

· Development and Application of Advanced Energy Sources (Flame, Laser, Electric Arc, Resistance, Plasma Arc, High-Energy Beam, etc.)

· Additive Manufacturing

· Digitalization, Smart Factories, and Robotics Applications

· Application of Welding and Related Processes in Nuclear Facilities

· Modeling and Simulation

· Hydrogen Industry

· Quality Control and Testing of Welded Joints and Products

· Safe Work Practices Ensuring Health and Safety

The Professional Program of the Conference

The professional program is related to the main topics of the conference:

· Plenary presentations by speakers invited by the Program Committee (25-30 minutes each),

· Presentations by registered speakers, accepted by the Program Committee (15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions and comments),

· subject-area forums.

As tradition dictates, the conference provides an opportunity for the presentation and personal awarding of prizes for diploma assignment contests announced by MAHEG, as well as for the presentation of recognitions from the Association. Following the presentations there will be an opportunity for professional discussions and the raising of observations.

Before the conference opening, the organizers will provide an opportunity for the participants to visit the laboratories of the University of Dunaújváros on the morning of June 6, 2024. Additionally, there will be practical demonstrations and an exhibition held as part of the conference program. Participation intentions for the laboratory visit and exhibition should be indicated on the registration form.

To register for the presentations, you should provide the title and a brief description (abstract) along with completing the registration form.

The conference will be conducted in Hungarian and English.

Presenters are required to submit the registration form to the Organizing Committee as follows:


Deadline for Abstract Submission*

31st January 2024

Decision on Abstract Acceptance

15th February 2024

Deadline for Submission of Accepted Papers

30th March 2024

Decision on Paper Acceptance after Peer Review

19th April 2024

Deadline for the Registration of Non-Presenting Participants: May 20, 2024.

Papers, conforming to the template provided in the call, with a length of 6-8 pages, will be published in an electronic publication with ISBN. Following the conference, authors of selected papers, based on professional criteria set by the Program Committee, will receive invitations to elaborate on their findings. These elaborations may be published in the Scientific Section of the Hungarian Welding Technology Journal (Hegesztéstechnika) or, in the case of English-language papers, in the impact factor-rated Periodical Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering journal.

The conference will commence on Thursday morning, June 6, 2024, with an on-site visit. This will be followed by afternoon sessions on Thursday, full-day sessions on Friday, and Saturday morning sessions, as per the upcoming program release.

Venue: University of Dunaújváros, Mihály Táncsics Street 1, 2401 Dunaújváros, Hungary. Information about accommodation options near the conference venue will be continuously updated on the www.maheg.hu interface.

Participation fees

Conference Participation Fee - 119.000 + VAT HUF/person

Discounted Participation Fee for Individual Members of MAHEG, MAROVISZ, MAGÉSZ, and Employees of Member Companies of MHtE - 95.000 + VAT HUF/person

Doctoral Students - 49.000 +VAT HUF/person

Full-time Students of Higher Education Institutions* - 25.000 +VAT HUF/person

Pensioners* - 20.000 + VAT HUF/person

Sponsorship Support** - As per a separate announcement.

Advertisement - 95.000 + VAT HUF/advertisement

Exhibition at the Conference Venue - 250.000+ VAT HUF

Exhibition Combined with Practical Demonstrations - 400.000+ VAT HUF

* In case you are an individual member of MAHEG, MAROVISZ, or MAGÉSZ,

** the details of sponsorship support and exhibition are provided in the application form attachment

The conference participation fee includes an electronic publication containing the presentations, a program booklet with abstracts, refreshments during breaks, lunches, dinners, as well as organizational costs.

 - Registration form