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Arad Academic Days – 32nd Edition

We would like to cordially invite you to attend the Arad Academic Days – 32nd Edition, which will be held on May 27-28, 2022, in Arad, Romania.

The conference will provide an excellent opportunity for researchers from different fields to discuss recent advances, share innovative ideas, and promote international collaborations.

The opening ceremony of the "Arad Academic Days" will be held on May 27, 2022,  11:00 a.m., at Great Union Hall, 81 Revolutiei Blvd.

Please find attached the program of the event.


More information are available on the website: http://zileleacademicearadene.ro/

For those who cannot attend the conference, we offer the opportunity to present the scientific papers online.

Please send the registration (max. 10 minutes) to: zaa@uvvg.ro

We look forward to welcoming you to ZAA 2022 in Arad, Romania.

Prof. Coralia Cotoraci, MD, PhD
Rector of the “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad

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