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Műszaki és Informatikai Kar

Erasmus+ Learning Programme in the Academic Year 2017/2018

The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pécs calls for applications for participating in the Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Learning Programme in the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2017/2018.

The aim is to ensure the opportunity to gain educational, language and cultural experience in a higher education institution of another programme country. Learning mobility is to enhance the academic performance and develop the personal skills and abilities of the student.

Within the framework of Erasmus+ Programme, successful applicants are given the opportunity to pursue their studies abroad in one of our partner universities in the European Union (students will have the opportunity to study in the same status as the students of the receiving university without paying any tuition fee and examinations passed there can be accepted at the sending university with the approval of the relevant department). The purpose of study tours may be to spend a semester as a partial transfer student, participate in a study abroad programme or work on thesis preparation. The mobility can only be realised if the sending institution accepts the studies to be accomplished abroad and count them in the academic progress of the student (by granting UP credits). The minimum duration of studies abroad is three (3) months. 

Submission deadline: 30th October, 2017


Further information please contact the Faculty coordinator:

Ms. Réka Somfai
Centre for  International Programs and Relations 
7624 Pécs, Boszorkány u. 2. B-011. 

Good luck with your application!