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Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Műszaki és Informatikai Kar

Graduation Ceremony

Dear Graduating Students,

We would like to express our congratulations on completing your final exams successfully.

We do hope your degree and the acquired knowledge will bring satisfaction in your life and wish you success in your future career. 


The graduation ceremony will take place on 7th February 2020 (Friday) at 10.00 am in room A007.

What you need to know about the ceremony:

1)      In order to attend, you need to pay „Participation fee at the graduation ceremony” The charge – 3500 HUF – will appear in your Neptun system, under Finances menu – Payment submenu. Payment can be made through Neptun, bank transfer or in cash at any cashier of the University. Keep the proof of payment, you need to show it before the ceremony, when you collect your graduation gown.

1)      You will get the graduation gown, gloves and hat at the cloakroom. We do recommend for female graduates to bring hair clips to assist in fastening the hat.

2)      We would like to ask you to dress smartly, preferably dark trousers/skirt, tights, white shirts/blouse, smart shoes. Wearing a formal outfit under the graduation gown is compulsory.

3)      If you do not wish to attend at the graduation ceremony, please let us know by email at zimmermann.katalin@mik.pte.hu or vandori.marta@mik.pte.hu until 30th of January, 2020. You can take your degree certificate sooner than the graduation ceremony but in that case you are not allowed to attend at the graduation ceremony.


UP FEIT Registrar's Office