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Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Műszaki és Informatikai Kar

Important information for applicants

Applicants will be sent out all necessary information related to the arrival, accommodation and payment in mid-June.

Students, who applied for the course at their own cost should send their billing address to summerspecials@pmmk.pte.hu. Details of payment will be stated on the invoice, which will be sent to the given address. 

Students, who need a Visa to enter the Schengen area should ask for an official letter of acceptance at summerspecials@pmmk.pte.hu.

Note, that the application process for a long-term visa usually takes between 30 and 60 days; while an application for a short-term visa will normally be processed in 5 to 15 days. It is highly recommended to start the visa application procedure as soon as it is possible.