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Innovation Days /i-Days event

Creative minds, we need you!

EIT Health and University of Pécs Medical School Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries together with Simonyi BEDC Research Center and the Chamber of Commerce of Pécs-Baranya region Pécs-Baranyai Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara are calling all students with an interest in healthcare innovation!

On the 4th of November, it will be held again after last year's success the so-called Innovation Days or i-Days event.

i-Days promote health innovation among university students through dozens of one-day and two-day programmes held in academic institutions around Europe. Students from all academic areas receive an introduction to practical health innovation tools and compete in teams to tackle real-life health challenges. The winning team of each i-Day will attend the Winners’ Event, a final competition that unites students from around Europe.

This year we are looking for solutions in 5 different topics:

1. Babylonian chaos
Continuous telephone ringing, endless administrative tasks, crashing computer systems, unseparated responsibilities, tight deadlines, impatient patient and doctor. What kind of solution could solve this situation?

2. The missing feedback culture from the healthcare sector
How can health workers be motivated to speak and managers to listen to critical, constructive opinions alike? What would be the best solution for this, how could this be implemented most effectively, so that this opportunity is available to all health care workers, and so that what is being said is not just a word shouted in the wilderness?

3. Skynet - the awakening of the smart hospital
The task is to design a process management system that not only helps to monitor the process, from the patient's entry to the health care institution to the aftercare, but also optimizes the process and eliminates patient congestion due to its predictability. (Traceability, patient education, statistics)

4. Next one please!
The task is to design a unified patient registration and patient calling platform that is easy to apply for all ages. An important element is for the treating physician to “see” exactly where the patient is within the building/process.

5. I've written enough
We are looking for an IT - based solution that, in addition to helping to reduce administrative burdens, provides easy - to - use and accessible document management for healthcare professionals (and also for patients?)

i-Days are accessible to all undergraduate and postgraduate students with an interest in healthcare innovation. You do not need any prerequisite skills or prior experience in innovation, entrepreneurship or healthcare. There are no academic requirements and students from all disciplines and departments are welcome to join!

We are waiting for teams of up to 6 people to apply, but if you do not have a team and would like to come, you can still apply, we will solve the rest.

When: 4th of November
Where: University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics 7622 Pécs, Rákóczi út 80 / Students from abroad or being in different locations will have the chance to join online!

Registration: https://alumni.eithealth.eu/events/65070
Further info: 