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International Youth Science Forum in Lviv, Ukraine

Let us inform you that International Youth Science Forum "Litteris et Artibus", which will be held on 21-23 November 2019 in Lviv, Ukraine, is accepting applications!

The deadline for papers submission is approaching. Please send us your papers before September 2 2019!

We hope that fellow researchers from esteemed Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology will be interested in participating in our Forum. This year's topics include, but are not limited to:

Computer Science & Engineering
Geodesy, Architecture & Construction 
Electric Power Engineering and Control Systems 
Humanities & Social Sciences 
Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Transport 
Economics & Management
Chemistry & Chemical Technology
Law & Psychology 
Biotechnology, Ecology & Sustainable Development   

September 02 2019 is the deadline for camera-ready paper submission. Please find all the details on the Forum website - https://openreviewhub.org/lea Follow our Facebook page for photos/videos and other updates.

Please note that we accept paper submissions only via the OpeReviewHub website. Website's user guide is available online.

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